BayesWave pipelines¶

The BayesWave interface allows asimov to configure and monitor analyses using BayesWave. BayesWave is frequently used as the first analysis of an event in order to generate the on-source PSD estimates for subsequent analyses.

Review Status¶


The current integration with BayesWave is fully reviewed and is suitable for use with all collaboration analyses.


BayesWave on-source PSD Generation¶

This was the default analysis setup for the O3 catalog runs which were used in the GWTC-2.1 and GWTC-3 catalog papers.

- Prod0:
    pipeline: bayeswave
    status: ready

Ledger Options¶

The Bayeswave pipeline interface looks for the the sections and values listed below in addition to the information which is required for analysing all gravitational wave events such as the locations of calibration envelopes and data.


These settings specifically relate to data quality related settings.

segment start

The start time of the segment. If not specified, the start time of the segment is determined by subtracting the quality>segment length setting from the event time, and adding 2 (that is, the event time is placed two seconds from the end of the segment.


These settings relate specifically to the sampling process used in Bayeswave.


The number of iterations to be carried out.


These settings relate specifically to the accounting and scheduling of the job.


The amount of memory to request.

post memory

The amount of memory to request for post-processing.

accounting group

The group to use for accounting.

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