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Analyses are the fundamental operations which asimov conducts on data.

Asimov defintes three types of analysis, depending on the inputs of the analysis.

Simple analyses

These analyses operate only on a single event, and will generally use a very specific set of configuration settings. An example of a simple analysis is a bilby or RIFT parameter estimation analysis, as these only require access to the data for a single event. Before version 0.4 these were called Productions.

Event analyses

These analyses can access the results of all of the simple analyses which have been performed on a single event, or a subset of them. An example of an event analysis is the production of mixed posterior samples from multiple PE analyses.

Project analyses

These are the most general type of analysis, and have access to the results of all analyses on all events, including event and simple analyses. This type of analysis is useful for defining a population analysis, for example.

An analysis is defined as a series of configuration variables in an asimov project’s ledger, which are then used to configure analysis pipelines.

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