Source code for asimov.ini

Handle run configuration files.

This module is inteded to read and manipulate the run configuration
files which are used by ``LALInferencePipe`` to design a parameter estimation run.

import ast
import getpass
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError

[docs] class RunConfiguration(object): """A class to represent a run configuration.""" def __init__(self, path): """ Open the run configuration file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to a run configuration ini file. """ self.ini_loc = path ini = ConfigParser() ini.optionxform = str if isinstance(path, dict): ini.read_dict(path) else: try: except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError("Could not open the ini file") self.ini = ini
[docs] def check_fakecache(self): """ Check to see if this file contains a fake-cache. This can be used to determine whether the ini file sets up a configuration which uses e.g. deglitched frames. Returns ------- bool Returns true if a fake cache has been used for this file. """ try: if len(self.ini.get("lalinference", "fake-cache")) > 0: return True else: return False except NoOptionError: return False
[docs] def set_lalinference(self, **kwargs): """ Set the values of LALInference configuration variables. Parameters ---------- kwargs : Set a variety of parameters. """ for key, value in kwargs: self.ini.set("lalinference", key, value)
[docs] def get_psds(self): """ Check if PSDs have been set in the ini file, and return them if they have. """ psds = {} for det in self.get_ifos(): try: psds[det] = self.ini.get("engine", f"{det}-psd") except NoOptionError: pass return psds
[docs] def get_calibration(self): """ Retrieve the calibration envelope locations. """ calibration = {} for det in self.get_ifos(): try: calibration[det] = self.ini.get("engine", f"{det}-spcal-envelope") except NoOptionError: pass return calibration
[docs] def update_psds(self, psds, clobber=False): """ Update the locations of the PSDs in the ini file. Parameters ---------- psds : dict A dictionary of the various PSDs. """ for det, location in psds.items(): needs_psd = True try: self.ini.get("engine", f"{det}-psd") needs_psd = False except NoOptionError: needs_psd = True if needs_psd or clobber: self.ini.set("engine", f"{det}-psd", location)
[docs] def run_bayeswave(self, status=True): """ Ensure that Bayeswave is run for this job. This should be run in order to add Bayeswave to produce PSDs for an event. Parameters ---------- status : bool, optional If set to true (the default) then a line will be added to ensure that Bayeswave is run to generate PSDs. If False then this line will be removed from the ini file if it exists. """ if status: self.ini.set("condor", "bayeswave", "%(lalsuite-install)s/bin/BayesWave") else: try: self.ini.remove_option("condor", "bayeswave") except NoOptionError: pass
[docs] def get_engine(self): """ Fetch all of the Lalinference engine data. """ return dict(self.ini.items("engine"))
[docs] def get_ifos(self): return ast.literal_eval(self.ini.get("analysis", "ifos"))
[docs] def get_channels(self): return ast.literal_eval(self.ini.get("data", "channels"))
[docs] def set_approximant(self, approximant, amporder, fref): self.ini.set("engine", "approx", approximant) self.ini.set("engine", "amporder", amporder) self.ini.set("engine", "fref", fref)
[docs] def set_queue(self, queue="Priority_PE"): self.ini.set("condor", "queue", queue)
[docs] def update_accounting(self, user=None): """ Update the accounting tag for this job. Defaults to the user account running the supervisor. Parameters ---------- user : str The accounting user to be added to the ini file. """ if not user: user = self._get_user() self.ini.set("condor", "accounting_group_user", user)
[docs] def update_webdir(self, event, prod, rootdir="public_html/LVC/projects/O3/C01/"): """ Update the web directory in the ini file. """ web_path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), *rootdir.split("/"), event, prod ) # TODO Make this generic self.ini.set("paths", "webdir", web_path)
def _get_user(self): user = getpass.getuser() return user
[docs] def save(self): with open(self.ini_loc, "w") as fp: self.ini.write(fp)
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