Source code for asimov.git

import glob
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import time

import git

from copy import copy

from asimov import config, logger
from asimov.utils import set_directory

from .ini import RunConfiguration

[docs] class AsimovFileNotFound(FileNotFoundError): pass
[docs] class EventRepo: """ Read a git repository containing event PE information. Parameters ---------- directory : str The path to the git repository on the filesystem. url : str The URL of the git repository update : bool Flag to determine if the repository is updated when loaded. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, directory, url=None, update=False): self.event = directory.split("/")[-1] = directory self.update_needed = update self.repo = git.Repo(directory) self.url = url self.logger = logger def __repr__(self): return
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, location): """ Create a new git repository to store configurations etc. Parameters ---------- location : str The location of the directory to be used. """ directory = config.get("general", "calibration_directory") os.makedirs(location, exist_ok=True) repo = git.Repo.init(location) os.makedirs(os.path.join(location, directory), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(location, directory, ".gitkeep"), "w") as f: f.write(" ") repo.git.add(os.path.join(".", directory, ".gitkeep")) try: repo.git.commit("-m", "Initial commit") except git.exc.GitCommandError as e: if "working tree clean" in e.stdout: pass return cls(directory=location, url=location)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, name, directory=None, update=False): """ Clone a git repository into a working directory, then create an EventRepo object for it. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the git repository name : str The name for the git repository (probably the event name) directory : str, optional The location to store the cloned repository. If this value isn't provided the repository is cloned into the /tmp directory. update : bool Flag to determine if the repository is updated when loaded. Defaults to False. """ if not directory: tmp = config.get("general", "git_default") directory = f"{tmp}/{name}" if os.path.exists(directory): return cls(directory, url, update=update) pathlib.Path(directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Replace an https address with an ssh address if "https" in url: url = url.replace("https://", "git@") final = "/".join(url.split("/")[1:]) start = url.split("/")[0] url = f"{start}:{final}" try: repo = git.Repo.clone_from(url, directory) repo.git.execute(["git", "lfs", "install"]) repo.git.execute(["git", "lfs", "fetch"]) repo.git.execute(["git", "lfs", "pull"]) except git.exc.GitCommandError: repo = git.Repo(directory) try: repo.git.stash() except git.exc.GitCommandError: pass if update: try: repo.remotes[0].pull() except git.exc.GitCommandError: pass return cls(directory, url, update=update)
[docs] def add_file(self, source, destination, commit_message=None): """ Add a new file to the repository. Parameters ---------- source : str, file path The path to the file to be added. destination : str The location to which the file should be copied in the repository, relative to the root of the repository. Any directories which do not exist already will be created. commit_message : str, optional The commit message for the git commit. Defaults to a description of the file addition. """ destination_dir = os.path.dirname(destination) destination_dir = os.path.join(, destination_dir) pathlib.Path(destination_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) destination_d = os.path.join(, destination) try: shutil.copyfile(source, destination_d) except shutil.SameFileError: pass if not commit_message: commit_message = f"Added {destination}" self.repo.git.add(destination) self.repo.git.commit("-m", commit_message) try: self.repo.git.push() time.sleep(15) except git.exc.GitCommandError as e: if "There is no tracking information for the current branch." in str(e): pass elif ( "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using" in str(e) ): pass else: raise e
[docs] def find_timefile(self, category=config.get("general", "calibration_directory")): """ Find the time file in this repository. """ with set_directory(os.path.join(, category)): try: gps_file = glob.glob("*gps*.txt")[0] return gps_file except IndexError: raise AsimovFileNotFound
[docs] def find_coincfile(self, category=config.get("general", "calibration_directory")): """ Find the coinc file for this calibration category in this repository. """ coinc_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, category, "*coinc*.xml")) if len(coinc_file) > 0: return coinc_file[0] else: raise AsimovFileNotFound
[docs] def find_prods( self, name=None, category=config.get("general", "calibration_directory") ): """ Find all of the productions for a relevant category of runs in the event repository. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the production. If omitted then all production ini files are returned. category : str, optional The category of run. Defaults to "general/calibration_directory" from the config file. """ self.update() path = f"{os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, category)}/{name}.ini" return [path]
[docs] def upload_prod( self, production, rundir, preferred=False, category=config.get("general", "calibration_directory"), rootdir="public_html/LVC/projects/O3/C01/", rename=False, ): """ Upload the results of a PE job to the event repostory. Parameters ---------- category : str, optional The category of the job. Defaults to "C01_offline". production : str The production name. rundir : str The run directory of the PE job. """ preferred_list = ["--preferred", "--append_preferred"] web_path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), *rootdir.split("/"), self.event, production ) # TODO Make this generic if rename: prod_name = rename else: prod_name = production command = [ config.get("pesummary", "location"), "--event", self.event, "--exp", prod_name, "--rundir", rundir, "--webdir", web_path, "--edit_homepage_table", ] if preferred: command += preferred_list dagman = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) out, err = dagman.communicate() if err or "master -> master" not in str(out): raise ValueError(f"Sample upload failed.\n{out}\n{err}") else: return out
[docs] def upload_preferred(self, event, prods): """ Prepare the preferred PESummary file by combining all of the productions for an event which are marked as `Preferred` or `Finalised`. Parameters ---------- event : `asimov.gitlab.EventIssue` The event which the preferred upload is being prepared for. prods : list A list of all of the productions which should be included in the preferred file. """ samples = [] labels = [] configs = [] for prod in prods: samples.append( glob.glob( str( os.path.join([f"{prod}_rundir"], "posterior_samples"), ) + "/*.hdf5" )[0] ) run_ini = os.path.join([f"{prod}_rundir"], "config.ini") actual_config = RunConfiguration(run_ini) engine_data = actual_config.get_engine() labels.append(f"C01:{engine_data['approx']}") configs.append( str(os.path.join([f"{prod}_rundir"], "config.ini")) ) with set_directory( os.path.join(, "Preferred", "PESummary_metafile") ): command = [ "summarycombine", "--webdir", f"/home/daniel.williams/public_html/LVC/projects/O3/preferred/{event.title}", "--samples", ] command += samples command += ["--labels"] command += labels command += ["--config"] command += configs command += ["--gw"] dagman = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) out, err = dagman.communicate() self.logger.error(err) copy( "/home/daniel.williams/public_html/LVC/projects/O3/" + f"preferred/{event.title}/samples/posterior_samples.h5", os.path.join(, "Preferred", "PESummary_metafile"), ) self.repo.git.add("Preferred/PESummary_metafile/posterior_samples.h5") self.repo.git.commit("-m", "Updated the preferred sample metafile.") self.repo.git.push() time.sleep(15) event.labels += ["Preferred cleaned"] return True
[docs] def update(self, stash=False, branch="master"): """ Pull the latest updates to the repository. Parameters ---------- stash : bool, optional If true any changes which are in the local version of the repository are first stashed. Default is False. branch : str, optional The branch which should be checked-out. Default is master. """ if stash: self.repo.git.stash() self.repo.git.checkout(branch) try: self.repo.git.pull() self.repo.git.execute(["git", "lfs", "fetch"]) except git.exc.GitCommandError as e: if "There is no tracking information for the current branch." in str(e): pass elif ( "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using" in str(e) ): pass elif "Temporary failure in name resolution" in str(e): logger.warning(f"Unable to update the repository for {self.event}") else: raise e
© Copyright 2020-2024, Daniel Williams.
Created using Sphinx 7.2.6.