Reviewing results

Accessing results

Asimov collects and stores results from analyses securely. These can be accessed through the olivaw production command line interface.

If we have an event called GW150914 which has a production called Prod1 we can see a list of all its stored results by running

$ olivaw production results GW150914 Prod0

and then we can get a file path for a specific results file, e.g. results.dat by running

$ olivaw production results GW150914 Prod0 --file results.dat

PE Summary

Adding review information

Asimov allows review information to be added to productions within the ledger, which can then be interpretted by scripts. This could be used, for example, to ensure that only signed-off results are used for downstream analyses, or in data releases.

The review tools in asimov are managed by the olivaw review family of commands, and the corresponding data is stored in the review portion of the ledger for each production.

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