Bilby pipelines =============== The Bilby interface allows for some bilby-specific metadata. Review Status ------------- .. note:: The current integration with bilby is fully reviewed and is suitable for use with all collaboration analyses. Examples -------- Bilby with IMRPhenomXPHM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was the default analysis setup for the O3 catalog runs which were used in the GWTC-2.1 and GWTC-3 catalog papers. .. code-block:: yaml - Prod0: pipeline: bilby approximant: IMRPhenomXPHM status: ready Ledger Options -------------- The bilby pipeline interface looks for the the sections and values listed below in addition to the information which is required for analysing *all* gravitational wave events such as the locations of calibration envelopes and data. ``likelihood`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These settings affect the behaviour of the bilby likelihood module. ``marginalization`` This section takes a list of types of marginalization to apply to the analysis (see below for an example of the syntax). ``distance`` Activates distance marginalization. ``phase`` Activates phase marginalization. ``time`` Activates time marginalization ``roq`` This section allows ROQs to be defined for the likelihood function. ``folder`` The location of the ROQs. Defaults to None. ``scale factor`` The scale factor of the ROQs. Defaults to 1. ``kwargs`` Additional keyword arguments to pass to the likelihood function in the form of a YAML or JSON format dictionary. Defaults to None. ``sampling`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sampling section of the ledger can be used to specify both the bilby sampler which should be used, and the settings for that sampler. ``sampler`` The name of the sampler which should be used. Defaults to `dynesty`. A full list of supported values can be found in the `bilby` documentation, but include `dynesty`, `emcee`, and `nessai`. ``seed`` The random seed to be used for sampling. Defaults to `None`. ``parallel jobs`` The number of parallel jobs to be used for sampling. Defaults to `4`. ``sampler kwargs`` Sampler-specific keyword arguments. These should be provided as a dictionary in either YAML or JSON dictionary (assosciative array) format. Defaults to `"{'nlive': 2000, 'sample': 'rwalk', 'walks': 100, 'nact': 50, 'check_point_delta_t':1800, 'check_point_plot':True}"`